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Chicago MEPS, IL Feb. 25, 2022

Chicago MEPS Personnel Strengthen Communication Skills During Cares Day

Chicago MEPS personnel Nelson Gonzalez (left) and U.S. Army Sgt. Arnaldo Garcia (right) participate in a communication building exercise during CARES Day activities. CARES Day was a non-processing day given to MEPS for their hard work throughout the pandemic.

Feb. 11, 2022

Saturday processing days added by USMEPCOM to support recruiting partners

To further support military recruiting partners meeting current goals, select MEPS will open for processing one Saturday per month, from January through March and in May. On Jan. 22, the command began the first of four Saturday openings at 10 MEPS.

Jan. 27, 2022

Biggest Loser

A common resolution for many at the start of a new year is losing weight, feeling better and living a healthier lifestyle. As the weeks go by and winter storms are at their strongest, those resolutions can soon be forgotten. Old habits come back and soon, we are binge-watching TV under the throw blankets and binge-eating junk food.

North Chicago, Ill Dec. 30, 2021

Medal of Honor Recipient Visits Minneapolis MEPS

Applicants at Minneapolis MEP got a rare glimpse of military history when they had the privilege of meeting a Medal of Honor recipient on November 22, 2021. Donned with his ribbon around his neck, retired Kansas National Guard Col. Donald Ballard, performed an Oath of Enlistment ceremony then spent time with Minneapolis MEPS staff and applicants

Amarillo MEPS, Texas Dec. 17, 2021

Amarillo’s first Space Force enlistment is part of the family

Just five days before the U.S. Space Force’s second birthday, 19-year-old Dakota Veale raised his right hand to enlist as Amarillo MEPS’ very first Space Force applicant.

Dec. 3, 2021

Future Warfighters Essay Competition Awards Ceremony

Future national guardsmen Jacob Oliver, from Emmetsburg, Iowa, wins Future Warfighters Essay Competition organized by Des Moines MEPS.

Nov. 22, 2021

Sacramento MEPS Turkey Drive builds unit cohesion while helping people in need

November and December are the seasons of thanks and giving. A west coast MEPS sprang into the holiday spirit by organizing a turkey drive to help those in need in their community.

Nov. 15, 2021

Sioux Falls MEPS personnel volunteerism gives back more than soccer skills in community building experience

In Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the youth have one thing in common: they love soccer. When Army 1st. Sgt. Daniel Rivera, Sioux Falls MEPS senior enlisted advisor, was asked to volunteer at a grassroots soccer league for his community's youth, the answer was easy.

Nov. 9, 2021

Collaboration Leads to Largest Test Event in the Pacific

Personnel from Yokota High School, the 374th Force Support Squadron, Honolulu MEPS and USMEPCOM worked together to administer the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) test for 116 students Nov. 3, the largest single administration of the ASVAB CEP in the Pacific.

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Nov. 1, 2021

Springfield MEPS community outreach supports zoo Spooky Safari event

The leaves are falling and the weather is cooling. For children, big and small, the end of October is a special time of year to participate in fall programs and festivities. For the Zoo in Forest Park in Springfield, Mass., prepping for their festival was a little easier this year, thanks to the volunteers from Springfield MEPS.