Major Milestone in Paperless Enlistment Processing Reached
Apr. 20, 2018
MPA - 2018-002
NORTH CHICAGO, Ill. – The Department of Defense marked a major milestone on the road to paperless, cloud-based military enlistment processing on April 10, 2018, with the demonstration of a prototype, user-friendly, automated product that records and stores enlistment processing information in real time.
USMEPCOM Integrated Resource System 1.1 minimally viable product, or USMIRS 1.1 MVP for short, enabled Air Force liaisons and Military Entrance Processing Station personnel to demonstrate first-hand the ease of use an operator could expect of the interface software in recording aptitude, medical and processing information. It is result of a Defense Digital Service-led effort that began in October 2017.
Conducted at the Milwaukee MEPS by the DDS-led team, which includes USMEPCOM and Chicago-based software developer DevMynd, the demonstration was observed by Stephanie P. Miller, the Department of Defense’s director of accession policy, and the commander of USMEPCOM, Navy Captain David S. Kemp.
Slated to become fully operational in 2019, USMIRS 1.1 will, in addition to vastly improving data storage and data security, eliminate 3 to 4 million pieces of paper per year currently transferred between USMEPCOM and the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard.
Paperless enlistment processing has long been a goal of USMEPCOM’s strategic planning process. The demonstration brought the command much nearer to that goal.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Jasmin Gorham, an Air Force Liaison at the Milwaukee Military Entrance Processing Station, demonstrates how the Air Force will process applicants using MIRS 1.1 MVP to Stephanie Miller, the Defense Department’s director of accession policy..

Elizabeth Scozzafave, Milwaukee Military Entrance Processing Station test control officer, hands a folder containing testing results to Chris Cortez, a software engineer from DevMynd, playing the role of an applicant during the MIRS 1.1 MVP demonstration as Stephanie Miller, the Defense Department’s director of accession policy, and Navy Capt. David S. Kemp, commander of United States Military Entrance Processing Command, observe.

Helen K. Smith, a Milwaukee Military Entrance Processing Station medical technician, demonstrates MIRS 1.1 MVP to Stephanie Miller, the Defense Department’s director of accession policy, and Janice Cho of DevMynd, right.