Military Personnel Branch
The Military Personnel Branch coordinates military personnel actions with Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA), and the military personnel centers. Maintains, analyzes and reports the Command's personnel strength and readiness posture. Coordinates with Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard commands/centers on assignment of military personnel and replacements and advises USMEPCOM command's service-specific sponsorship program requirements. Provides technical guidance and advises the station commanders on military personnel programs, policies, and procedures that affect USMEPCOM personnel. The liaisons maintain and manage automated military and civilian personnel databases through the Joint Personnel System. Manages and maintains the Command Military Awards and Decorations Programs.
Chief, Mission Support Branch
(847) 688-3680 ext. 7739
Army Liaison
(847) 688-3680 ext.7169
Marine Corps and Coast Guard Liaison
(847) 688-3680 ext. 7194
Navy Liaison
(847) 688-3680 ext. 7193
Air Force and Space Force Liaison
(847) 688-3680 ext. 7178