USMIRS 1.1 gets Interim Authority to Test
Interim Authority to Test USMEPCOM Integrated Resource System 1.1 was granted by Stephanie Miller, director of Military Accession Policy in January.
USMIRS 1.1 will replace the legacy USMIRS which was built in 1996. The system is an armed forces, joint service component system that supports the peacetime and mobilization mission of qualifying and enlisting applicants into the armed forces.
The test will be conducted at 10 military entrance processing stations through July 4. This marks the first time the command is authorized to enter applicant Personally Identifiable Information into USMIRS 1.1.
The test is limited to 50 records per participating MEPS for a total of 500.
The records will not be used to process applicants and will later be deleted from the system.
Additional security and features will be added in support of achieving an Authority to Operate, which means USMIRS 1.1 can be used as a system of record. Full ATO is expected this summer and the system is expected to be deployed during fall 2020.

USMEPCOM employee Lloyd McKinney and a Tandem employee work with USMIRS 1.1 at the Denver MEPS.