Service recruiting commands meet with USMEPCOM leadership
By Darrin McDufford
USMEPCOM Public Affairs

U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command leadership met with representatives from military recruiting commands during its biannual Stakeholders Meeting April 27 to discuss issues and share information about the accessions enterprise.
Representatives from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force recruiting commands attended the day-long meeting, during which subject matter experts from USMEPCOM briefed and led discussion about a range of topics, including tattoo requirements, extremism, modernization efforts and more.
Establishing regular opportunities to meet with recruiting partners has been a priority for Marine Col. Rich Brady, USMEPCOM commander.
“We’ve been holding these meetings for the last two years. I think it’s important for us to get together face-to-face twice a year,” said Brady.
These meetings allow us to gain alignment on processing, testing, medical, modernization, but more importantly, they give us the opportunity to keep the conversation going on how to improve, said Brady.
For 45 years, USMEPCOM has worked closely with the military recruiters to process millions of Americans in the United States Armed Forces.
USMEPCOM, is a joint service command headquartered in North Chicago, Ill., which, through its 65 Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) and two Remote Processing Stations, evaluates applicants for enlistment based on established Department of Defense standards.