Alternative ASVAB Testing Platform Study Expands
USMEPCOM recently expanded its study of Alternative Testing Devices (tablets, iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, smart phones) as additional means of administering both the Student Career Exploration Program and enlistment versions of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Originally begun at one MEPS, fifteen MEPS are now engaged in the study to determine the feasibility of implementing the program command-wide.
The expanded study of Alternative Testing Devices began on July 22nd with the goal of administering more than 7,000 tests on these devices over a three month period. Eventual implementation will allow recruiters, military prospects, and schools more flexibility which in turn could lead to a greater number of military enlistments and faster applicant processing.
The pilot study was conducted at the San Jose MEPS by the non-profit research organization Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) on March 18 and 19. Twenty four applicants tested a variety of devices in the pilot study.