Current Operations Division
The Current Operations Division is comprised of the Operations Center and the Recruit Travel Management Branch (RTMB). The division focuses on daily applicant processing by providing consistent day-to-day guidance and support for all aspects of applicant processing (testing, medical, processing, and shipping).
Current Operations manages and directs movement of approximately 260K recruits from MEPS to 10 training/ reception centers and coordinates the USMEPCOM Operating Schedule.
Current Operations also conducts trend analysis resulting from systemic review of processing, shipping, accession procedures, business practices and issues; identifies training deficiencies; and provides improvement recommendations.
Operations Center:
The Operations Center (MOC) is designed to assist the USMEPCOM Commander and Sector Commanders with command, control, communication, and mission execution of the Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) through a centralized element.
The MOC is the single point of contact to provide "on demand" support and assistance to the field for all applicant-processing (medical, testing, processing, and shipping).
The MOC will define and clarify regulatory and procedural guidance, respond to day-to-day MEPS issues, and resolve any time sensitive applicant flooring concerns that can't be resolved by the MEPS or Sector.