Equal Opportunity Office (Military)
Phone: (847) 688-3680 ext. 7537
DSN: 792-3680 ext.7537
Fax: (847) 688-3463
EO Complaint Procedures
Informal EO Complaint:
Every attempt should be made by the supervisor, commander or Sector EOA to resolve the problem at the lowest level. The informal complaint is no less important than the formal complaint and should be addressed with a sense of urgency and a sincere intent to attain resolution. Informal complaint procedures do not prevent individuals from exercising their right to initiate a formal complaint.
Formal EO Complaint:
A formal EO complaint is one that a complainant files in writing (DA Fm 7279-R) and swears to the accuracy of the information. Formal complaints require specific actions, and are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken. A complainant has 60 calendar days from the date of the alleged incident in which to file a formal complaint.
Military Member Rights
Each military person has a right to:
Each military person has the responsibility to:
- Receive equal opportunity and treatment irrespective of race, color, religion, gender or national origin and free of sexual harassment
- Present a complaint to the chain of command or Sector EOA, an alternate referral agency, without fear of intimidation, reprisal or harassment
- Receive training on the USMEPCOM MEO complaint and appeals process
- Communicate with the commander concerning their complaint
- Receive assistance from MEO personnel concerning their complaint
- Advise the chain of command or command or EOA of the specifics of sexual harassment and/or discrimination complaints and to provide the command an opportunity to take appropriate action to rectify/resolve the issue
- Have a complaint promptly investigated to ensure that a full review of the complaint is conducted
- Prompt resolution of the complaint at the lowest appropriate level
- Advise the command (to include Sector EOA or the IG) of the specifics of a sexual harassment/discrimination complaint or other violations of the MEO Program and provide the command an opportunity to take appropriate action to rectify/resolve the issues
- Submit only legitimate complaints and to exercise caution against false, immature or reckless charges
- Fully cooperate with the chain of command and investigators
- Report incidents of perceived discrimination or sexual harassment to either the chain of command or Sector EOA. Should a subsequent complaint inquiry or investigation substantiate the fact that specific personnel were aware of, but did not report such violations to the chain of command, then those individuals may be considered for nonjudicial punishment