Equal Opportunity Office (Military)

Phone: (847) 688-3680 ext.7537
DSN: 792-3680 ext.7537
Fax: (847) 688-3463

Program Manager, HQ USMEPCOM Equal Opportunity Program
Ms. Easter Sharpe, DAC

Eastern Sector, Strategic Advisor (EOA), Equal Opportunity
MSgt Maurice Ingram, USAF x7636

Western Sector, Strategic Advisor (EOA), Equal Opportunity
MSgt Carlos Cervantes, USAF x7867



The USMEPCOM Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Office is responsible for planning, implementing and sustaining the Command's MEO programs. Essential elements of these programs are designed to ensure equal opportunity and treatment irrespective of a members' race, color, religion, gender, national origin or sexual orientation and to provide an environment free from sexual harassment.

In addition, the MEO program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to support readiness by maximizing human potential and ensuring fair treatment of all assigned and attached service members based solely on merit, fitness and capability.

The MEO Office also provides Equal Opportunity and Human Relations Education (HRE) training and conducts Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) to monitor human relations climate throughout the MEPS. Our staff also assists commanders with complaints and provides guidance with for special and ethnic observances.

    EO Principles

    • Maintain oversight of the MEPS EO Program
    • Promote a conducive work environment
    • Support individual and cultural diversity
    • Ensure discipline is not compromised
    • Provide fair and equal treatment for all

    Other Resources:

    Special/Ethnic Observances





    USMEPCOM is a richly diverse community consisting of civilian and military personnel with widely varied backgrounds, beliefs, multi-cultural influences, and many unique life experiences. Our goal is to advise and assist leadership and personnel in ensuring full compliance with applicable Equal Opportunity (EO) requirements.



    The Military Equal Opportunity Office is charged to train and prepare our military and civilian personnel to view human relation issues and circumstances more broadly. This will allow members to effectively understand and engage potential personal or organizational situations with intelligence and integrity and ensure our organization is free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment.