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Tag: enlistment

Jan. 23, 2024

USMEPCOM Gets Ahead of Summer Surge with Army Providers

USMEPCOM processes applicants into the U.S. armed services every day but anticipates a yearly spike in applicant enlistments during summer months, when an influx in applicants come through Freedom’s Front Door that is commonly referred to as “summer surge.”

April 17, 2023

Stepson of USMEPCOM Commander Enlists

When your father and grandfather were both Army Aviation Officers, and your stepmother is currently an Army colonel, following their legacy seems like an obvious path to pursue. That is, of course, if you aren’t a 22-year-old wanting to forge your very own path. Instead of choosing to “Be All You Can Be” with the Army, Carter Stallings decided to enlist and “Aim High” with the Air Force. Carter is the stepson of Army Col. Megan Stallings, commander, USMEPCOM, and his father is retired Army Col. Chris Stallings (current executive director of Naval Service Training Command). His father was on active duty before he was even born, so Carter grew up on various bases and military communities. From a young age, he favored Airmen wings to the Army’s five-pointed star.

MILWAUKEE MEPS, Wisc. Nov. 9, 2022

Son of Air Force Chief Prepares to Take Flight

U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Michael Page, Eastern Sector senior enlisted advisor, was able to witness his son take the oath, sign his contract and join the United States Air Force at Milwaukee MEPS Oct. 24.

March 10, 2022

Military Entrance Processing Stations roll out MHS GENESIS

On March 10, the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command launched MHS GENESIS at its remaining 55 stations across the nation. Prior to this “big bang go-live” event, 12 of the command’s 67 processing stations launched MHS GENESIS as part of a “soft go-live” on Feb. 24. “The deployment of MHS GENESIS is another leap in medical modernization at USMEPCOM,” said Col. Megan Stallings, USMEPCOM commander. “It is revolutionizing our medical processing. The new electronic health record will follow applicants from the moment they walk through ‘Freedoms Front Door’ into active duty, and eventually into the VA system.”

Amarillo MEPS, Texas Dec. 17, 2021

Amarillo’s first Space Force enlistment is part of the family

Just five days before the U.S. Space Force’s second birthday, 19-year-old Dakota Veale raised his right hand to enlist as Amarillo MEPS’ very first Space Force applicant.