For Applicants and Parents
Whether you are the individual seeking enlistment in the Armed Forces or a parent of a prospective service member you are certain to have questions about the enlistment process. The following pages should answer most of your questions. test
The United States Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) is one part of the accessions process. We work closely with our Recruiting Service partners to identify, recruit and qualify men and women for military service.
If you have unanswered questions after reviewing these pages do not hesitate to ask your service recruiter or contact us for further clarification. Additionally, our Frequently Asked Questions may also address your questions.
Applicant guests are not able to attend Oath of Enlistments in person. However, MEPS post videos of Oath of Enlistment ceremonies to their social media pages. While we try to post all recordings, workload, technical difficulties or other circumstances may occasionally occur.
MEPS social media pages accessible through their individual Unit page.