Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Phone: (847) 688-3680 x 7538
DSN: 792-3680 x 7538
Fax: (847) 688-3463

Staff Responsibilities
Equal Employment Opportunity Officer:
Serves as principle advisor to the command to ensure that command-wide programs are conducted in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.
Responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of policies and programs for military and civilian staff to assure equal opportunity and equitable treatment.
Manages the command Affirmative Employment Program for minorities and women.
Serves as the EEO Complaints Manager for the Command. Individuals wishing to file an EEO complaint should contact the activity which provides complaint processing services for the MEPS where the alleged discrimination occurred. (Servicing Activity) Complaints forwarded directly to the headquarters will be redirected to the appropriate servicing activity.
Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist:
Serves as the Special Emphasis Program Manager, promoting, monitoring and analyzing the representation of minorities and women within the organization.
Conducts studies and informs the staff of currents trends effecting the workforce.
Serves as the manager for the Minority College Relations Program and the Individuals with Disabilities Program.