J-7 Medical Plans and Policy


Phone: (847) 688-3680 ext. 7149
DSN: 792-3680 ext. 7120
Fax: (847) 688-2543

 Colonel Arthur B. Cajigal, USA


Ensure the highest quality of medical assessment for military accessions during peacetime and mobilization.


We leverage new and emerging medical technologies with unassailable judgment to ensure the most mentally and physically sound applicants are accessed for all uniformed services to support on-going and future military operations.

USMEPCOM's J-7/Medical Plans & Policy Directorate (J-7/MEMD) provides clinical direction, medical policy, and monitors the USMEPCOM medical examination program:

  • Manages the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing program, the drug and alcohol testing (DAT)program, and the MEPS medical equipment program
  • Develops and provides training to MEPS medical personnel on current and pending medical processes to facilitate consistent implementation of medical policy and procedures across the Command
  • Continuously assesses processes for improvement and researches new methodologies
  • Manages USMEPCOM medical contracts
  • Participates in lifecycle software development projects to include the development and application of medical informatics, documenting future medical system requirements, and conducting user acceptance testing

The Director is dual-hatted as the USMEPCOM Command Surgeon. The directorate has two deputies, two divisions, four branches and two offices.