ASVAB Careers home page

Overview Guide

Exploring Careers

Educator Brochure

Student Brochure

ASVAB Career Exploration Program

1. The ASVAB aptitude test have a well-established capacity to assess not only the ability to learn new skills, but to predict success in a wide variety of occupations.

2. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is unique in several ways.

The program:

Meets the career development needs of today’s high school and post-secondary students, whether they plan to enter the workforce right away or pursue further education at a university, community college, or vocational institution

Provides a world class, comprehensive career exploration and planning experience based on current career development theory and practice

Encourages students to explore a wide variety of careers, rather than limiting their exploration by telling them what they can or should do

Empowers students; encourages them to determine if and how they could improve their skills to become qualified for an occupation of interest

Emphasizes the importance of career planning and decision making

Provides a full-spectrum of career opportunities to students, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or ability level

Includes ready-to-use structured activities to guide students through the career exploration and planning process

Was developed with the assistance of a panel of leading career development professionals Survey says… Since the mid 1990s, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program has provided high quality, cost-free career exploration and planning materials and services to high schools across the nation. From surveys of participating students, we learned the following:

76% of the students who participated did so because of their interest in making appropriate post- high school career and educational plans.

31% of the students who participated did so because of their interest in military service.

62% of those who participated reported that the ASVAB Program helped them to match their skills and interests to appropriate career choices.

63% of those who participated say the ASVAB Program helped them to consider careers they had not thought about before. Encourage your students to participate in ASVAB testing at your school.

Please contact us for more information on the USMEPCOM ASVAB Career Exploration.

For more information about the ASVAB Career Exploration Program, please call 1-800-323-0513 to speak with the ASVAB CEP representative.

ASVAB Program web site